Spirit Of Light
Rev. Sirry Berndsen
Ordained Minister by The Journey Within
Certified Medium by The Forever Family Foundation
Certified Medium by SCOS
Certified Master Teacher LWISSD
Certified Grief Educator
Reiki Master Teacher - Usui
Office has moved to:
124 Harvard Street
Suite 5B
Brookline MA 02446
Free parking: Auburn Street - Harvard Avenue / Metered parking: Harvard Street
Please see booking email for entry to the building
Classes, meditation, and workshops for 2024 are going to be offered on Zoom and in person in Brookline Ma
If you'd like to book a home group please contact Sirry@SpiritOfLight.com

Sirrý has been blessed with the gift of mediumship throughout her life. Since childhood, she has recognized her remarkable clairvoyance, empathy and vivid dreams. In time, she came to embrace her unique abilities, and use the gift to heal and comfort those who had lost loved ones through the power of mediumship and support with bereavement.
Prior to entering the world of communicating with spirit, Sirrý trained and studied intensively as an artist, earning her masters in visual art. Her keen eye and creative sensitivity, developed through years of dedicated study, inform her distinct visual accuracy in mediumship.
She holds a dual degree MFA from Tufts University and School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, as well as BFA degree from AKI and Royal College of Fine Arts in The Netherlands, and Associates degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, from The University of Iceland.
Her extensive study of Mediumship, Consciousness and Meditation includes among few, the well renowned Arthur Findlay College, in United Kingdom, as well as Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY and Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health.
Sirrý is a Grief Recovery Specialist.
She is a Certified Medium by Forever Family Foundation, and Swampscott Church of Spiritualism, and she holds a Past Life Regression Therapy Certificate from The Weiss Institute.
Sirry is a Certified Master Teacher at LWISSD - International School of Spiritual Development
She's lived all around the world, in Europe, Middle East and USA and speaks several different languages. She understands the fluidity and complexity of many different cultures. A gift she uses frequently in her mediumship.
Since harnessing her gift, Sirrý has dedicated her life to achieving excellence in mediumship. She has utilized every opportunity to master how to truly use the tool of communication with Spirits.
Sirrý is a positive spirit, filled with light. She believes in miracles, because she sees them happening each day, all around her and every one of us.
Sirrý is a Boston MA based Intuitive & Medium, she is also a Reiki Master.
Rev. Sirrý Berndsen
Certified Medium
Ordained Minister

Sirry is a Certified Medium
with the Forever Family Foundation in New York, since 2011
Forever Family Foundation was established in 2004 and their goal is to establish a connection with people dealing with grief and loss with mediums who have been tested and who have proven beyond reasonable doubt that their loved ones are with them.
Forever Family Foundation - Mission Statement
*To establish the existence of the continuity of the family, even though a member has left the physical world
*To stimulate thought among the curious, those questioning their relationship to the universe, and people who are looking for explanations of certain phenomena
*To financially support the continued research into survival of consciousness and Afterlife Science
*To provide a forum where individuals and families who have suffered the loss of a loved one can turn for support, information, and hope through state-of-the-art information and services provided by ongoing research into the survival of consciousness and Afterlife Science