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In Person Classes


Spirit Communication & Intuition

Level 1

​Time to be announced 5 weeks | 7pm - 9pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)



Clairs / Aura / Energy / Guides / Journaling / Symbols - Psychic vs Mediums

Setting up a reading - Past/Present/Future - Establishing Evidence

Connecting with Loved Ones in Spirit

Q's / EEMM / Blending / Symbols and Signs


Doors close promptly at 7PM

5 weeks - $555 (Sign up+pay before 12.31.22 and save 20% and pay only $444)
Sign up
early and save 10% 

Sign up for level 1 & 2 save and pay only $1010

124 Harvard St, Suite 5B, Brookline MA 02446

Parking on side streets Auburn St and Harvard Ave.



Spirit Communication & Intuition

Level 2

To Be Announced 5 weeks | 6:30pm - 9pm



Photos | Art & Spirit | Nature & Spirit | Music & Spirit

Doors close at 7PM (Sign up early and save 20%)

5 weeks - $555

Sign up and pay for level 1 & 2 $1010

124 Harvard St, Suite 5B, Brookline MA 02446

Prerequisite Level 1 | Limited Space

Parking on side streets Auburn St and Harvard Ave.



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Mondays - Meditation & Messages

- Starting soon

For those who have completed level one and two of Spirit Communication, or are currently signed up for level 1 and 2 with Sirry are welcome to join the Midweek Meditation and Messages on Wednesdays for an ongoing gathering. Cost is $15 cash.


Coming soon!

During this mentorship program, each student will receive on to one guidance.

In Person Classes
Resume soon

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